“She’s very... interesting looking.”, “Just to look at her makes me laugh.”, “Nobody can clear out a ramada like Maya.”, and of course: “She’s got a great personality.” All of these quotes have been thrown out to describe our little princess. When we brought home our adorable seven week old puppy, Liz and I joked: “We’d love you even if you grow up to be a mangy, ugly dog.” That, of course, was before she got mange and lost a good portion of her hair to itchy red patches. She has since recovered very well and grown back all of her hair, even if she’s still not the most beautiful thing on the beach (I happen to think she is).

When you come walking or driving up the long entrance to Rancho Sol Y Mar, winding past the campground, up towards the house it’s likely that you’ll be intimidated by the roaring woof of Maya. Head of security, project manager, companion and entertainment all rolled into one, Maya is also known as the “Turkey Dog”, “The Gremlin” and “The Number One Mexican Boxer Dog”. Maya was born in Puerto Vallarta on Aug. 1, 2009 and brought home to the ranch at seven weeks old. Life on the ranch and at the beach is all she’s ever known; tough life, huh?

When not inhaling a breakfast of kibble with a freshly laid raw egg on top or sleeping under a banana tree Maya enjoys harassing goats, playing on the beach and chasing lizards and grasshoppers. Her dislikes include leashes and baths. She says the horses are cocky and claims the baby goats make the best playmates. It’s widely speculated that Maya has a crush on Cuervo, the German Sheppard who lives at El Rinconcito down on the beach.

Occasionally in the mornings when we sit on the hilltop drinking coffee and watching the sun come up to illuminate the Pacific Ocean, Maya will get so excited for the day that she starts sprinting all over the place. Without rhyme or reason, she weaves around trees and bushes, darting between goats and bounding off of any elevated platform she can find. Maya is always up for chasing down a stick or ball but makes no promises with regards to bringing it back to you.

When I head out to work on a project, Maya is right there on my side. If the work becomes boring, she’ll lie down in the shade, or investigate something more interesting but she waits until I’m done to walk back up to the house with me.